Publicado por: sosortomolecular | 25 de Maio de 2009

As Funções dos Hormônios

As funções dos hormônios

Para que consigamos obter sucesso em nosso programa de treinamento, temos que estar atentos a algumas variáveis, que podem comprometer um bom resultado de mudança corporal. A principal delas é o sistema endócrino – a produção de hormônios.

Hormônios são substancias que tem função específica dentro do nosso corpo. Em grande parte dos casos eles são liberados para atuar sempre em equilíbrio. Qualquer alteração compromete as funções fisiológicas e caba se refletindo na forma física.

Pra entendermos melhor, vamos falar sobre os principais hormônios que atuam diretamente na aparência física de uma pessoa e também sobre as influencias que eles exercem em um programa de atividade física. Atenção… Todos os hormônios têm grande importância em nosso corpo, pois qualquer deficiência pode causar um desequilíbrio em série. Mas falando em músculos, podemos dizer que a TESTOSTERONA é o principal hormônio, na hora de conseguirmos bons resultados.


É através da testosterona que a proteína se fixa na célula, mas é necessário que haja quantidade suficiente desse hormônio para que ocorra o crescimento muscular – anabolismo. A sua deficiência, portanto, vai comprometer a produção e a manutenção da massa muscular. A mulher tem bem menos testosterona do que os homens, e isso explica a menor quantidade de massa muscular e a decorrente dificuldade de emagrecimento que muitas mulheres tem.

Existem algumas maneiras naturais de se estimular a testosterona. A melhor delas é o exercício físico intenso. Esse tipo de exercício físico, tanto em homens como em mulheres estimula a secreção interna do hormônio testosterona.


Outro hormônio igualmente importante no processo metabólico de construção de músculos é o hormônio do crescimento, que é liberado em quantidades grandes durante nossa infância e adolescência, começando a regredir na fase adulta, até cessar por completo. Alem de ter funções anabólicas, ou seja, de ganho de massa muscular, esse hormônio tem uma função lipotrópica muito grande, sendo bastante responsável pela utilização das gorduras como fonte de energia. A deficiência do hormônio do crescimento na fase adulta, ou a diminuição de sua produção, é um grande prejuízo, pois pode provocar um maior acúmulo de gordura e uma grande perda de massa muscular.

O exercício físico é um ótimo incentivo para o corpo produzir hormônio do crescimento. Neste caso o exercício físico não precisa ser necessariamente pesado, mas deve ser intenso. É necessária uma grande quantidade de esforço, para que o corpo se sinta obrigado a liberar esse hormônio. Existem tratamentos à base de hormônio do crescimento sintético que podem ser utilizados, contando que se observe uma rigorosa orientação terapêutica.

INSULINA – Ativada pelos carboidratos.

Esse é outro hormônio que também tem função anabólica. A insulina é produzida pelo pâncreas e liberada quando consumimos carboidratos. Tal processo traz alguns benefícios, como a mobilização de carboidratos e de aminoácidos para dentro das células, o que faz com que tenhamos matéria prima para a construção muscular. Acontece que a insulina acaba levando também gordura para dentro da célula adiposa, o que significa que de nada adianta respeitarmos todos os processos corretamente se estamos ingerindo uma grande quantidade de gordura, ou permitindo que o excesso de carboidrato se transforme em gordura.

Pois esse excesso vai fazer com que a célula de gordura inchada promova um aumento da taxa de gordura corporal e uma diminuição do aspecto saudável e bonito de nossa musculatura. Por isso o ideal é ingerir carboidratos em pequenas porções, em várias refeições ao dia, evitando que o excesso no corpo se transforme em gordura.

ESTRÓGENO E PROGESTERONA – Hormônios femininos.

O estrógeno é o hormônio responsável por características sexuais femininas, como o crescimento de mamas e o acúmulo de gordura em algumas regiões do corpo. Esse acúmulo tem algumas funções vitais, como proteção do feto e reserva energética para o bebê, em caso de gravidez. A natureza não consegue, porém, distinguir se é preciso ou não fazer essa reserva, e é por isso que o organismo muitas vezes acaba retendo gordura e água, mesmo em casos indesejáveis. Uma quantidade muito grande de estrógeno faz com que as mulheres retenham gordura principalmente nos quadris, e água em todo o seu corpo. A maneira encontrada para modificar esse desequilíbrio é regular a produção de estrógeno. Se os hormônios estiverem equilibrados, vai ser mais fácil mobilizar as gorduras e eliminar a retenção de líquidos.

A progesterona é o hormônio que atua equilibrando o estrógeno no organismo feminino. Se a progesterona estiver muito baixa, ela não consegue restringir a produção de estrógeno no meio do ciclo menstrual, a partir da ovulação. Conseqüentemente, é importante que os dois hormônios estejam em equilíbrio. Para isso são necessários testes laboratoriais e a orientação. Devemos ficar sempre atento ao equilíbrio de nossos hormônios, sendo assim preste muito atenção a sintomas que indicam alguma disfunção: excesso de retenção de liquido, acúmulo de gordura em determinadas regiões, falta de ânimo, cansaço e falta de motivação. Nesses casos procure um médico imediatamente.


São dois os hormônios secretados pela tireóide: o T4 (tiroxina) e o T3 (triodotironina). O T3 age com mais rapidez por ser a forma mais ativa do hormônio tireóideo. No entanto as células conseguem metabolizar o T4 transformando-o em T3, o que o faz igualmente importante. Esses hormônios são fundamentais para regular a taxa metabólica de todas as células e aumentar o metabolismo dos carboidratos e gorduras. Quer dizer, uma pessoa com elevada produção de tiroxina, consegue perder gordura com bastante rapidez. È importante então, um eficiente acompanhamento médico, para certificar-se de que os níveis desses hormônios estão atuando e trabalhando a seu favor.

Hormônios e o Exercício

O sistema endócrino ajuda a integrar e controlar as funções corporais e, dessa forma, proporciona estabilidade ao meio ambiente interno do corpo. Os hormônios afetam quase todos os aspectos da função humana. Regulam o crescimento, o desenvolvimento e a reprodução e aprimoram a capacidade do corpo em lidar com o estresse físico e psicológico.

Os hormônios são substâncias químicas sintetizadas por uma glândula hospedeira específica e são secretados para dentro do sangue e transportados através de todo o corpo.

Além de alterar a atividade enzimática, os hormônios podem tanto facilitar quanto inibir a captação de determinadas substâncias pelas células. Por exemplo, a insulina facilita o transporte de glicose para dentro da célula, combinando-se com a glicose extracelular e um carreador da glicose dentro da membrana plasmática. Em contrapartida, o hormônio adrenalina age de maneira oposta inibindo a liberação de insulina, tornando, portanto mais lenta a captação de glicose. Este foi só um exemplo para você ver como a ação hormonal é importante e indispensável.


Um período agudo de atividade física estimula a liberação do GH e, ao ser aumentada a intensidade do exercício, observa-se uma elevação brusca na produção de GH. Esta seria uma resposta benéfica para o crescimento do músculo, do osso e do tecido conjuntivo, assim como para aprimorar a mistura metabólica durante o exercício.

Já a prolactina, que tem um efeito de mobilizar os ácidos graxos, também aumenta com o exercício. Uma curiosidade: por causa da sua importante função sexual das mulheres, sua liberação induzida pelo exercício atua nos ovários e contribui para alterações no ciclo menstrual, observada em mulheres atletas, aqueles que fazem exercício visando alto desempenho, com prática extremamente intensa e mais de 5x/semana. As endorfinas, que bloqueiam a dor que promovem a euforia, podem afetar a alimentação e o ciclo menstrual da mulher. Elas aumentam com o exercício de longa duração. Os hormônios ovarianos, o estrogênio e a progesterona, controlam o ciclo menstrual e aumentam a deposição de gordura. Aumentam com o exercício, mas depende da fase menstrual.

As “famosas” endorfinas aumentam em geral como resposta ao exercício. A elevação de beta-endorfina durante o exercício aumenta em até 5 vezes em relação ao nível de repouso, com valores ainda mais altos ocorrendo no cérebro. Para o exercício aeróbico, a intensidade do exercício é um fator primário capaz de estimular as elevações dos níveis plasmáticos de beta-endorfina. Com o exercício de resistência, a liberação de beta-endorfina responde diferentemente aos vários protocolos de exercícios, com o protocolo de maior duração e os intervalos entremeados de repouso mais longos acarretando a maior resposta. O efeito mais notável destes hormônios foi seu papel desencadeante da denominada “alegrai do exercício” – um estado descrito por alguns como euforia e jovialidade à medida que progride a duração do exercício aeróbico de moderado a intenso.

Bom, falar de hormônios e do efeito dos exercícios é um assunto bem longo e mais complexo. Procurei apenas introduzir o assunto de forma que você saiba alguns efeitos deles sobre o nosso organismo e como o exercício deve ser sempre orientado para que ele não seja um causador de estresse e sim um fator modulador de qualquer oscilação hormonal.


Fonte: Mundo das Curiosidades


  1. Eno guarana, sujo de caju

    • Boa noite Miurios
      Não sei do que, ou a que está se referindo.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

  2. Gostaria de saber qual o tratamento para estimular o hormônio do crescimento em uma criança com 8 anos, medindo 1,22.

    • Boa noite Paulo
      Este caso só deve receber orientação depois de realizar um mineralograma capilar, para saber quais minerais estão em desequilíbrio no organismo, principalmm,ente por ser uma criança em formação hormonal. Um abraço
      Prof. Paulo Edson

  3. quero saber como se toma esse hormonio é confiavel ….

    • Boa noite Flávio
      De que hormônio voce fala? Mas qualquer que seja não deve ser usado sem orientação profissional.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

  4. muito obrigado,p/tinha varias resposta.

    • Boa noite
      Infelismente não sei de quem é o agradecimento, mas valeu.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

  5. estudar.

    • Boa noite
      Acabo de responder.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

    • Boa noite
      Sim é preciso estudar muiiito, só assim se aprende.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

  6. Boa tarde,sou professor de ed.fisica,em maputo,achei interressante o tema sobre as hormonas.aprendi muito com este pequeno resumo.

    • Bom dia Antonio
      Que ter tirado algum proveito das informações contidas no blog, este é o objetivo deste existir. Qualquer dúvida mantenha contato. Um abraço.
      Pro. Paulo Edson

  7. Boa tarde!
    Me chamo Ivanize, tenho 44 anos e tenho intestino preso desde pequena. Ao longo da minha vida já tentei aumentar o consumo de muitos alimentos com fibras, água entre outras, mas o mais interessante é que não tenho problema algum quando estou grávida ou no período mestrual. Isto pode estar direcionando o meu problema para um desequilíbrio hormonal? O que o Sr. me recomenda, a quem devo procurar? Já que o nutricionista sozinho não está conseguindo resolver o problema?
    Muito obrigada pela atenção!

    • Boa noite Ivanize
      Seria bom fazer um mineralograma capilar, a partir desta informação poderá ser ajudada, uma intoxicação demetal pesado pode ser a causa do problema. Um abraço.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

      • Muito obrigada! Providenciarei a sua sugestão.

      • Boa tarde Ivanize
        Tomara que resolva logo esta chateação e tenha bastante saúde.
        Prof. Paulo Edson

  8. Boa noite! Existe hoje uma maquina q substitui o exame de mineralograma capilar, como saber se sao de confianca? Por qual razao uma consulta com um ortomolecular è tao cara?

    • Boa noite Vera
      O sistema de dignóstico que substitui o mineralograma capilar é chamado Vegatest, ou Ressonância de Woll, ambos são muito bons, mas é preciso saber se quem opera com eles realmente é bom. Quanto ao valor de uma consulta varia muito de profissional para profissional, de qualquer forma não é tão barata por ser uma avaliação do ser humano como um todo, e não somente a doença, e, tambem tratamento por um todo e não do sintoma, o que parece ser caro as vezes sai mais barato por fazer uma orientação para uma nova saúde. Um abraço
      Prof. Paulo Edson

  9. Boa tarde! Sou estudante de medicina e me interesso por esse ramo medico. Tenho que apresenat um trabalho na faculdade e gostaria de falar sobre o exercicio fisico e a ortomolecular, levando em consideracao os alimentos funcionais! Queria uma ajuda no assunto. Onde acho? Livros? Artigos? Gostaria de material!

    • Boa tarde Bianca
      Voce não encontra este material completo, tudo é muito novo, e, a terapêutica ortomolecular não é reconhecido pelo CFM, portanto faz parte das terapias integrativas. Eu tenho algum material por pesquisa de nutracêuticos na atividade física, mas teria de preparar para te dar, pois estou arrumando aula ainda. Um abraço.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

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  557. My mind was blown when I’ve first seen this sweet piece of action. Newest android game from a one of the best game studios, displaying such awesome and breathtaking enemies that I’m still stunned and appaled. Witnessing untold amounts of undead bugs dead, trigger continually fluttering as I was launching my shadowgun and tossing explosives everywhere. Silent protagonist reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many additional gameplay features. Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us progress even further into this sci-fi horror. Modern warfare gets blended with dark and cynical sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only ineffable panic of having Earth infested by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our homes!
    Become a frontline commando with your rifle blazing, or snipe the zombie beasts from large distances. All using only your tablet display. Only the best feats of modern warfare mingled with an itchy trigger finger will let you to succeed over the dead monsters. Cool graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when travelling through future human locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, murdering millions like an android.
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  559. My brain was blown when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of game. Become a frontline commando with your pistol blazing, or snipe the undead devils from large distances. Witnessing untold amounts of zombie bugs dead, trigger continually fluttering as I was launching my shadowgun and throwing explosives around. All using only your android display. Newest mobile game from a one of the best game studios, showing such intimidating and horrible baddies that I’m still shocked and appaled.
    Our defenses gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us persist even further into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best feats of modern warfare mixed with an fast trigger finger will let you to succeed over the undead bugs. Realistic graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when travelling through future Earth locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, killing countless like an android.
    Silent main character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features.
    Best game ever! Modern warfare gets mixed with murky and pessimistic futurism, where deep space exploration gave us only ineffable terror of having Terra occupied by dead zombie invaders. Humongous numbers of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our goods! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

  560. My mind was blown when I’ve first seen this sweet piece of game. Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the undead devils from great distances. Witnessing numberless zombie bugs dead, trigger continually kicking as I was launching my shadowgun and tossing grenades everywhere. All using only your touch display. Newest phone game from a one of the best game studios, displaying such magnificent and majestic enemies that I’m still stunned and consternated.
    Our health gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even further into this sci-fi horror.
    Only the best exploits of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will let you to achieve victory over the dead monsters. Awesome graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, murdering numerous like an android.
    Ominous main character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features.
    Trigger finger licking good! Modern warfare gets blended with dark and pessimistic futurism, where shadowgun exploration gave us only unspeakable terror of having Earth invaded by dead zombie bugs. Millions of them, in fact. All hungry for our blood and our homes! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

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  562. My mind was astonished when I’ve saw for the first time this awesome piece of game. Newest android game from a top of the line game studio, showing such magnificent and wondrous enemies that I’m still stunned and appaled. Seeing uncountable zombie bugs dead, trigger continually fluttering as I was shooting my shadowgun and tossing grenades around.
    Silent lead character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features. Our health gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us progress even deeper into this sci-fi nightmare.
    Only the best feats of modern warfare mingled with an fast trigger finger will allow you to win over the dead bugs. Realistic graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when travelling through future human locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, killing millions like an android.
    Modern warfare gets blended with dark and cynical sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only unspeakable terror of having Terra occupied by dead zombie invaders. Billions of them, actually. All hungry for our lives and our homes! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your rifle flaming, or snipe the zombie beasts from huge areas. All using only your touch display.

  563. My brain was blown when I’ve saw for the first time this sweet piece of action. Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the undead beasts from great distances. Seeing countless zombie bugs dead, trigger constantly twitching as I was launching my shadowgun and throwing explosives everywhere. All using only your touch screen. Newest mobile game from a one of the best game studios, featuring such awesome and horrible antagonists that I’m still shocked and awe strucked.
    Our bulletproof vest gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us persist even further into this sci-fi nightmare.
    Only the best feats of modern warfare mingled with an itchy trigger finger will let you to succeed over the dead bugs. Realistic graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, killing millions like an android.
    Silent main character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many additional gameplay features.
    Superb gameplay! Modern warfare gets mixed with gloomy and depressed sci-fi, where shadowgun exploration gave us only unspeakable terror of having Terra occupied by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, in fact. All hungry for our blood and our assets! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

  564. My mind was blown when I’ve saw for the first time this sweet piece of action. Freshest android game from a top of the line game studio, presenting such magnificent and majestic baddies that I’m still shocked and appaled. Witnessing numberless zombie bugs dead, trigger constantly beating as I was shooting my shadowgun and throwing explosives everywhere. Silent lead character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features. Our health gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us persist even further into this science fiction nightmare. Modern warfare gets infused with murky and pessimistic futurism, where deep space exploration gave us only ineffable panic of having Terra invaded by dead zombie invaders. Humongous numbers of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our women! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the zombie beasts from great distances. All using only your tablet screen. Only the best exploits of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will let you to win over the undead monsters. Great graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, killing numerous like an android.

  565. My brain was blown when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of game. Freshest android game from a top of the line game studio, showing such awesome and horrible enemies that I’m still stunned and consternated. Seeing myriads of zombie bugs dead, trigger continually beating as I was shooting my shadowgun and tossing explosives everywhere.
    Ominous main character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many more gameplay features. Our health gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us persist even deeper into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best feats of modern warfare mingled with an fast trigger finger will let you to succeed over the undead zombies. Realistic graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when traversing future human cities and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting countless like an android.
    Modern warfare gets blended with gloomy and pessimistic sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only ineffable panic of having Earth infested by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our paraphernalia! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your pistol flaming, or snipe the zombie devils from great areas. All using only your android screen.

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    Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even deeper into this science fiction nightmare.
    Only the best exploits of modern warfare combined with an quick trigger finger will let you to succeed over the dead bugs. Realistic graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your anxiety when travelling through future human cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, killing millions like an android.
    Ominous protagonist reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features.
    Best game ever! Modern warfare gets infused with gloomy and depressed futurism, where shadowgun exploration gave us only ineffable panic of having Earth invaded by dead zombie bugs. Millions of them, in fact. All hungry for our blood and our goods! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

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    Our defenses gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even further into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best exploits of modern warfare mingled with an fast trigger finger will allow you to succeed over the undead bugs. Great graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your anxiety when traversing future Earth locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting millions like an android.
    Ominous lead character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many more gameplay features.
    Best game ever! Modern warfare gets mixed with gloomy and depressed sci-fi, where shadowgun exploration gave us only ineffable panic of having Terra occupied by dead zombie bugs. Millions of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our homes! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

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    My brain was blown when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of game. Newest tablet game from a top of the line game studio, displaying such intimidating and horrible baddies that I’m still shocked and appaled. Witnessing uncountable zombie bugs dead, trigger steadily beating as I was firing my shadowgun and throwing grenades around.
    Ominous protagonist reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many additional gameplay features. Our bulletproof vest gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us advance even deeper into this science fiction nightmare.
    Only the best exploits of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will let you to succeed over the monstrous monsters. Realistic graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, murdering numerous like an android.
    Modern warfare gets blended with gloomy and depressed futurism, where cosmos exploration gave us only indescribable terror of having Earth occupied by dead zombie invaders. Humongous numbers of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our assets! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
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    Ominous lead character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features. Our health gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even further into this sci-fi horror.
    Only the best exploits of modern warfare mingled with an itchy trigger finger will let you to succeed over the dead bugs. Great graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your anxiety when travelling through future Earth locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, killing numerous like an android.
    Modern warfare gets mixed with gloomy and depressed sci-fi, where cosmos exploration gave us only unspeakable panic of having Terra occupied by dead zombie invaders. Humongous numbers of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our assets! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
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    Ominous lead character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features. Our defenses gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us advance even deeper into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best stunts of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will let you to succeed over the monstrous monsters. Great graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when travelling through future Earth locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting millions like an android.
    Modern warfare gets infused with murky and cynical sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only unspeakable panic of having Earth occupied by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, actually. All hungry for our lives and our assets! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
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    Many thanks!

  583. My mind was astonished when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of action. Freshest phone game from a top of the line game studio, displaying such magnificent and horrible baddies that I’m still stunned and awe strucked. Seeing myriads of undead bugs dead, trigger constantly fluttering as I was launching my shadowgun and throwing grenades around. Quiet and strong protagonist reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many additional gameplay features. Our health gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us continue even deeper into this science fiction horror. Modern warfare gets infused with gloomy and cynical sci-fi, where cosmos exploration gave us only indescribable terror of having Earth infested by dead zombie bugs. Millions of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our goods! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your rifle flaming, or snipe the zombie beasts from large areas. All using only your mobile display. Only the best feats of modern warfare mingled with an fast trigger finger will allow you to achieve victory over the dead monsters. Awesome graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting millions like an android.
    Trigger finger licking good!

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  585. My mind was astonished when I’ve first seen this sweet piece of game. Newest android game from a one of the best game studios, displaying such magnificent and wondrous baddies that I’m still shocked and consternated. Witnessing uncountable undead bugs dead, trigger invariably beating as I was firing my shadowgun and tossing grenades everywhere. Ominous main character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many additional gameplay features. Our defenses gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us continue even further into this science fiction nightmare. Modern warfare gets infused with dark and depressed sci-fi, where cosmos exploration gave us only indescribable dismay of having Earth occupied by dead zombie bugs. Millions of them, actually. All hungry for our lives and our assets! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the undead devils from large distances. All using only your touch screen. Only the best exploits of modern warfare mingled with an itchy trigger finger will allow you to win over the monstrous zombies. Awesome graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your terror when traversing future human cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, killing millions like an android.
    Superb gameplay!

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  587. My mind was astonished when I’ve saw for the first time this sweet piece of action. Become a frontline commando with your pistol blazing, or snipe the undead devils from huge areas. Seeing uncountable undead bugs dead, trigger steadily twitching as I was firing my shadowgun and throwing grenades around. All using only your tablet screen. Newest phone game from a one of the best game studios, featuring such magnificent and wondrous enemies that I’m still shocked and appaled.
    Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us advance even deeper into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best stunts of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will allow you to succeed over the undead monsters. Great graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your anxiety when traversing future human cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, killing numerous like an android.
    Silent lead character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features.
    Modern warfare gets blended with dark and cynical futurism, where shadowgun exploration gave us only unspeakable panic of having Terra occupied by dead zombie bugs. Humongous numbers of them, in fact. All hungry for our blood and our assets! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

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      Prof. Paulo Edson

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  595. My mind was blown when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of game. Become a frontline commando with your rifle flaming, or snipe the undead beasts from great areas. Seeing myriads of zombie bugs dead, trigger invariably beating as I was launching my shadowgun and throwing grenades everywhere. All using only your android display. Newest tablet game from a top of the line game studio, showing such awesome and wondrous antagonists that I’m still shocked and appaled.
    Our defenses gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us continue even further into this sci-fi nightmare.
    Only the best stunts of modern warfare combined with an quick trigger finger will allow you to succeed over the monstrous monsters. Cool graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, shooting numerous like an android.
    Ominous lead character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features.
    Modern warfare gets mixed with dark and pessimistic futurism, where shadowgun exploration gave us only indescribable panic of having Earth invaded by dead zombie bugs. Millions of them, actually. All hungry for our lives and our homes! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

  596. My brain was astonished when I’ve saw for the first time this sweet piece of action. Newest phone game from a top of the line game studio, displaying such awesome and wondrous baddies that I’m still stunned and awe strucked. Seeing myriads of undead bugs dead, trigger constantly fluttering as I was releasing a barrage of bullets from my shadowgun and throwing explosives around. Quiet and strong protagonist reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features. Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us progress even further into this sci-fi horror. Modern warfare gets mixed with dark and depressed sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only ineffable terror of having Earth infested by dead zombie invaders. Billions of them, in fact. All hungry for our blood and our goods! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the undead devils from great distances. All using only your mobile screen. Only the best stunts of modern warfare combined with an quick trigger finger will allow you to succeed over the dead monsters. Realistic graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your terror when travelling through future human cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, killing countless like an android.

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  598. My brain was blown when I’ve first seen this sweet piece of action. Freshest tablet game from a top of the line game studio, displaying such awesome and grand baddies that I’m still stunned and appaled. Witnessing uncountable zombie bugs dead, trigger continually beating as I was shooting my shadowgun and tossing grenades around. Ominous protagonist reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many more gameplay features. Our health gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even deeper into this science fiction horror. Modern warfare gets blended with gloomy and depressed futurism, where shadowgun exploration gave us only indescribable panic of having Earth occupied by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our assets! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your rifle flaming, or snipe the zombie beasts from large distances. All using only your touch display. Only the best stunts of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will allow you to win over the undead zombies. Cool graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when travelling through future human locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, shooting countless like an android.
    Superb gameplay!

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      Prof. Paulo Edson

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  608. My mind was astonished when I’ve saw for the first time this sweet piece of game. Newest tablet game from a one of the best game studios, featuring such magnificent and wondrous baddies that I’m still stunned and consternated. Witnessing myriads of zombie bugs dead, trigger constantly kicking as I was launching my shadowgun and throwing grenades around. Ominous lead character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features. Our defenses gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even further into this sci-fi nightmare. Modern warfare gets infused with gloomy and cynical sci-fi, where shadowgun exploration gave us only ineffable terror of having Terra occupied by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our women! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your pistol flaming, or snipe the undead monsters from large distances. All using only your mobile display. Only the best exploits of modern warfare mixed with an quick trigger finger will allow you to succeed over the dead monsters. Cool graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when traversing future human cities and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, murdering millions like an android.
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      Que ter gostado do que proponho, espero poder estar sempre atualizando e agradando dentro de uma informação honesta. Encaminhe a informação aos amigos. Um abraço.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

  615. Trigger finger licking good!
    My brain was blown when I’ve saw for the first time this sweet piece of action. Freshest android game from a one of the best game studios, featuring such magnificent and shadowgun enemies that I’m still stunned and consternated. Seeing untold amounts of undead bugs dead, trigger steadily kicking as I was shooting my shadowgun and throwing explosives everywhere.
    Quiet and strong lead character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features. Our defenses gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us proceed even deeper into this sci-fi nightmare.
    Only the best stunts of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will allow you to succeed over the undead monsters. Great graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your anxiety when traversing future human cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, killing countless like an android.
    Modern warfare gets blended with murky and pessimistic sci-fi, where shadowgun exploration gave us only unspeakable horror of having Earth occupied by dead zombie bugs. Humongous numbers of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our goods! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
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  620. My brain was blown when I’ve first seen this sweet piece of action. Freshest mobile game from a top of the line game studio, showing such intimidating and grand enemies that I’m still stunned and consternated. Witnessing countless undead bugs dead, trigger continually beating as I was launching my shadowgun and throwing grenades everywhere. Silent protagonist reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features. Our defenses gets to be personalized which is the only thing that lets us persist even deeper into this science fiction horror. Modern warfare gets blended with dark and depressed sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only indescribable terror of having Earth occupied by dead zombie bugs. Humongous numbers of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our women! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your rifle flaming, or snipe the undead monsters from great areas. All using only your android screen. Only the best stunts of modern warfare mingled with an quick trigger finger will let you to achieve victory over the undead bugs. Realistic graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when travelling through future human cities and shooting your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting countless like an android.

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    • Boa noite
      Precisa de um bom provedor.
      Prof. Paulo Edson

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  645. My heart broke when they zoomed in on Nando’s face at the beginning from the match. He looked so sad. I honestly imagined he’d come in after the 70th minute or so. I’d like for him to see some action in Munich.

  646. My brain was astonished when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of action. Become a frontline commando with your rifle flaming, or snipe the undead beasts from large distances. Witnessing numberless zombie bugs dead, trigger continually beating as I was launching my shadowgun and tossing explosives everywhere. All using only your touch screen. Freshest phone game from a top of the line game studio, featuring such magnificent and wondrous baddies that I’m still stunned and consternated.
    Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us persist even further into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best stunts of modern warfare mingled with an fast trigger finger will allow you to win over the undead bugs. Cool graphics encourage you to heed your call of duty. Combat in modern style your terror when travelling through future human locations and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting numerous like an android.
    Ominous lead character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several more gameplay features.
    Modern warfare gets blended with dark and pessimistic sci-fi, where shadowgun exploration gave us only indescribable panic of having Earth infested by dead zombie bugs. Billions of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our homes! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

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  649. My brain was blown when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of game. Become a frontline commando with your rifle blazing, or snipe the zombie monsters from large areas. Witnessing uncountable zombie bugs dead, trigger invariably twitching as I was releasing a barrage of bullets from my shadowgun and tossing explosives everywhere. All using only your tablet display. Freshest phone game from a one of the best game studios, displaying such intimidating and wondrous antagonists that I’m still stunned and appaled.
    Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us progress even deeper into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best feats of modern warfare mixed with an itchy trigger finger will let you to win over the monstrous bugs. Cool graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your dread when travelling through future Earth cities and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting countless like an android.
    Quiet and strong lead character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features.
    Modern warfare gets blended with murky and depressed futurism, where shadowgun exploration gave us only unspeakable terror of having Earth occupied by dead zombie invaders. Humongous numbers of them, in fact. All hungry for our lives and our women! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

  650. Superb gameplay!
    My mind was blown when I’ve saw for the first time this sweet piece of game. Freshest phone game from a one of the best game studios, featuring such magnificent and horrible enemies that I’m still stunned and awe strucked. Seeing numberless zombie bugs dead, trigger steadily fluttering as I was shooting my shadowgun and tossing explosives around.
    Quiet and strong main character reminisced me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has several additional gameplay features. Our defenses gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us advance even deeper into this sci-fi nightmare.
    Only the best feats of modern warfare combined with an fast trigger finger will allow you to achieve victory over the undead zombies. Cool graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your terror when traversing future human locations and shooting your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, shooting numerous like an android.
    Modern warfare gets blended with gloomy and pessimistic sci-fi, where cosmos exploration gave us only ineffable panic of having Terra infested by dead zombie invaders. Humongous numbers of them, in fact. All hungry for our blood and our goods! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the undead beasts from great areas. All using only your mobile screen.

  651. […] As Funções dos Hormônios | SOS ORTOMOLECULAR – May 25, 2009 · As funções dos hormônios. Para que consigamos obter sucesso em nosso programa de treinamento, temos que estar atentos a algumas variáveis, que …… […]

  652. My mind was astonished when I’ve first seen this sweet piece of action. Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the zombie devils from huge distances. Seeing countless zombie bugs dead, trigger constantly twitching as I was releasing a barrage of bullets from my shadowgun and tossing explosives everywhere. All using only your mobile display. Freshest android game from a one of the best game studios, presenting such awesome and majestic enemies that I’m still shocked and awe strucked.
    Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us progress even further into this science fiction horror.
    Only the best feats of modern warfare mixed with an fast trigger finger will allow you to succeed over the dead bugs. Great graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your terror when travelling through future Earth cities and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the ultimate mobile frontline commando, murdering countless like an android.
    Quiet and strong main character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many additional gameplay features.
    Superb gameplay! Modern warfare gets mixed with dark and cynical futurism, where shadowgun exploration gave us only ineffable horror of having Terra invaded by dead zombie invaders. Millions of them, in fact. All hungry for our blood and our women! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.

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  656. My mind was blown when I’ve first seen this awesome piece of game. Newest tablet game from a top of the line game studio, presenting such intimidating and wondrous enemies that I’m still shocked and appaled. Witnessing countless undead bugs dead, trigger continually fluttering as I was releasing a barrage of bullets from my shadowgun and tossing grenades everywhere. Quiet and strong main character reminded me of the old Doom PC game, though Combat Trigger: Modern Dead 3D has many additional gameplay features. Our armor gets to be customized which is the only thing that lets us persist even further into this science fiction nightmare. Modern warfare gets blended with dark and cynical sci-fi, where deep space exploration gave us only ineffable horror of having Earth occupied by dead zombie invaders. Billions of them, actually. All hungry for our blood and our paraphernalia! Cool ego shooter, hard waffen, wow.
    Become a frontline commando with your guns flaming, or snipe the undead beasts from large areas. All using only your tablet screen. Only the best exploits of modern warfare combined with an quick trigger finger will let you to win over the monstrous zombies. Awesome graphics encourage you to follow your call of duty. Combat in modern style your fear when traversing future Earth cities and throwing barrages of bullets from your shadowgun, become the extreme mobile frontline commando, shooting countless like an android.
    Best game ever!

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